Dear all,
holding the role of the curator of Forum I (“Collection Societies & Rights Management”), on behalf of all2gethernow e.V., I’d sincerely like to invite you to take part in our press conference in Berlin on 1st Sept. respectively alert you to Berlin’s upcoming
all2gethernow – a new music and culture convention
16.-18. September 2009
Due to the fact that the invitation for the press conference mainly addresses German visitors, I’d like to forward you to the event’s website for more information.
Basic facts for press conference:
Host: all2gethernow e.V.
Date: Tue 01 Sept. 2009, 11:30am
Location: Meistersaal am Potsdamer Platz, Köthener Straße 38, 10963 Berlin, Germany
Date: Tue 01 Sept. 2009, 11:30am
Location: Meistersaal am Potsdamer Platz, Köthener Straße 38, 10963 Berlin, Germany
Please register for participation at contact me.
Wolfgang Senges