Songpier – free apps for every artist to share with fans
Songpier is the first and only online service specifically suited for artists. It is capable of building, managing and distributing mobile apps affordable for any musician. Songpier apps run on smartphones, iPad and other tablet devices out of the box. WebApps by Songpier are the most efficient way for artists to share music, latest news, tour dates, pictures, merchandise and other content with fans in real-time, everywhere.
MIDEM & Nielsen Confirm the Need for Mobile Apps for Artists
Referring to my last posting, I wrote an article for Music Think Tank: "Mobile Connect-with-Fans for DIY Artists - Why, and How?" If you needed any further confirmation - please immediately go visit Midem's website. The Midem blog features an article on "Music mobile apps and music streaming services", including an excellent study compiled by Nielsen for MIDEM.
C3S: Creative Commons Verwertungsgesellschaft – in Gründung.
Anlässlich der all2gethernow 2010 wurde das Modell einer Verwertungsgesellschaft für Musik unter Creative Commons Lizenzen vorgestellt – eine CC-VG, Arbeitstitel C3S. Initiiert wurde die C3S von Michael Weller, Meik Michalke, mir und weiteren Kollegen aus dem CC-Umfeld. Die Wurzeln, Beweggründe und Ideen hinter dem Projekt sind vielfältiger, als bereits dieses gemeinsame Engagement zeigt.
Why Fans Don’t Pay You – And Why They Will: Basics of Customer Relationship Success
You might have noticed I dropped AdSense. Feels a lot better. Instead, I added a link to Dreamstime for picture licensing (check my articles, I used them more than Flickr I think). Plus, I implemented a plug-in from AdTaily. Nice one, you can have ads on your site and – even more important – you decide whether to accept or to decline.
Artists Can’t Maintain A Good Relationship With Fans – Or Can They? But how?
Studying my reader this morning, there was a post at hypebot, leading me to a blog on Seattle Weekly written by John Roderick, singer for The Long Winters: "They Love You First. They Book You Shows. It Gets Complicated". It's about the artist/fan relationship. Does that ring a bell? Yep, in the comments to my "Ads vs. flattr" posts I mentioned another article coming up on that issue.
Oops! flattr’s deflated…
Just noticed that flattr is down. To avoid extremely long loading I deactivated the flattr buttons until they are up again. Sorry for any inconvenience. flattr, you'd better do better.
AdSense vs. flattr, Ads vs. Donations – What’s Best? You Decide!
Not long ago, ContentSphere saw a comeback of GoogleAds. I just wanted to give them a serious second try. Yet, now it gets a new twist. As you can see, I also added flattr buttons for the entire blog as well as separate ones for each entry. I'm having two additional streams of revenue. Maybe I should replace the term "streams" by "drops". What's the best choice to achieve better revenues?
Upcoming topics in music, copyright & marketing at ContentSphere
Having conceptualised a good part of Berlin music conference all2gethernow's discussion topics, I suddenly find myself with heaps of thoughts and content not published on ContentSphere. It just would be a shame to not make use of it. These topics are dealing with issues and they are raising questions. I contributed them to a2n because of their relevance in today's music business.
Free Music Archive Hosts all2gethernow Compilation of Creative Commons Music
I told you, we soon would change the main host for the files - due to GEMA (Germany's collecting society). Hosting the files myself would make my blog a shop - even if the download's for free. Plus I would have to report the hosting to GEMA, despite the fact it's all Creative Commons music. It's crazy but it's a fact. And here we are!