Tag / piracy
Into the Void of Popkomm 2009: all2gethernow! aka #unkomm
As you are reading this, it is old news that Popkomm 2009 has been cancelled. I intended to go yet I began to hesitate as soon as I read the Preliminary Programme 2009 as of 11 May. Even a preliminary program should have had more. Only two persons were actually announced to participate in panels or sessions respectively: Lawyers. Not to be disrespective, but I think it shows there's lots of crisis.
Might Ralph Lauren Save Digital Distribution of Music?
At SIIA Industry Summit 2009, Pearson CEO Marjorie Scardino described the framework for Financial Times' digital and pricing strategy. Scardino, stressed the difference between generic content such as news and the value Financial Times provides by quality analysis. Apart from the brand value, it is in particular the supplier generated extra content which defines the product's market value.